The ebook Pre-order for my new novel is Live! Get it now at the preorder discount price of $2.99 ($4.99 at publication).
Release date: Feb. 19th
Kobo, Apple, etc:

Horror Author
The ebook Pre-order for my new novel is Live! Get it now at the preorder discount price of $2.99 ($4.99 at publication).
Release date: Feb. 19th
Kobo, Apple, etc:
Hello Readers! The Kindle pre-order is live for my latest novella, BLOOD MALL. It’s a bloody, action-packed good time! Click the cover image to order or to read the description. Pre-order discount price is $0.99. Book will also be in Kindle Unlimited upon release. Paperback will be available after release.
Release date: Sept. 13th
Thanks so much!
Hello! Hope you all are doing well. I just wanted to check-in and show off the cover for my upcoming horror action novella. I’ll be sending out a new post very soon with the book description once the pre-order is ready to go. For now, take a gander at that cover.
Hello, Horror Fans!
Mountain of Scars and Other Strange Tales, my first short story collection, is now available in paperback and for Kindle. Kindle Unlimited subscribers can download it for free. The book compiles eight horror stories and the bonus novelette The Prison Farm (previously released as an ebook only).
I hope you enjoy it! And don’t forget to leave a review.
Thanks for all your support. Keep life spooky!
Hello horror fans. My latest novella, THE BRIAR, is set to be released on September 1st, but you can pre-order the kindle version now by clicking the book cover. The cover art was done by the amazing Don Noble at Rooster Republic Press. If you need a cover for your next release I highly recommend him. For Kobo users, the pre-order should be available soon. I hope you enjoy the book.
As always, thanks for your support.
Keep reading those spooky books,
That’s right Horror Nerds! It’s finally here! Incarnate (book 3 in the Invasive Species Trilogy) is live on Kindle, and only 0.99 cents for a limited time. It’s been a little over two years since the release of the first book in the series, so I would like to take this opportunity to say a sincere ‘thank you’ for your patience. The paperback edition will be available soon (very soon, I promise). I hope you like the conclusion. Enjoy!
Thanks again, stay healthy, and keep on reading!
Hello Horror Freaks!
My debut novel, and the first installment in the Invasive Species Trilogy, SONG OF A LOST CHILD, is now only 0.99¢. The second book is out, waiting for you when you finish the first, and the third volume will be coming soon. Thanks to all that have supported me over the past three years. You’re amazing. I have tons of ideas for future works, and hope to be able to make time for them in 2020.
Thanks again! Keep on reading!
I’m the proud papa of a brand new book. That’s right, Stomping Grounds – the second book in the Invasive Species Trilogy – is available on Kindle, and for a limited time you can download it here for a measly 0.99¢. Get it quick before the price goes up to $3.99. Kindle Unlimited subscribers can get it (and the first book) for free.
I hope you enjoy the continuing saga. As always, thanks for all your support, and if you get the chance leave an honest review on Amazon or Goodreads.
Keep reading the scary stuff. May the fourth be with you and Happy Cinco de Mayo!