Just checking in!

Hello, Everybody

Just wanted to say a genuine heartfelt thanks for downloading my first book, The Prison Farm. It’s done better than I expected. I even had a sale in Australia. Woohoo!!

I’m putting the finishing touches on my next release, a sci-fi horror novella entitled, SKINNERS. I know, scary, right? I’ll be releasing it through Amazon’s Kindle Unlimited program, so all subscribers to that program can download it for free. For others, the ebook will be offered at the low price of $2.99 as a Kindle only read. If you don’t have a Kindle then no worries, you can download the Kindle app for free on any device.

And now for the shameless groveling: If you’ve had a chance to read The Prison Farm, then please consider leaving a review on Amazon. You can go to my author page by clicking here. The more reviews I have, the more they’ll promote the book, which will in turn help the launch of my next release.

Thanks again for your time, and for checking out my book. I can’t do this without you. I’ll be checking in again soon with an exact date for the launch of SKINNERS, along with a tantalizing description of the story. Until then, Happy Reading!