0.99¢ on Kindle

Hello Horror Freaks!

My debut novel, and the first installment in the Invasive Species Trilogy, SONG OF A LOST CHILD, is now only 0.99¢. The second book is out, waiting for you when you finish the first, and the third volume will be coming soon. Thanks to all that have supported me over the past three years. You’re amazing. I have tons of ideas for future works, and hope to be able to make time for them in 2020.

Thanks again! Keep on reading!


New Release!


I’m the proud papa of a brand new book. That’s right, Stomping Groundsthe second book in the Invasive Species Trilogy – is available on Kindle, and for a limited time you can download it here for a measly 0.99¢. Get it quick before the price goes up to $3.99. Kindle Unlimited subscribers can get it (and the first book) for free.

I hope you enjoy the continuing saga. As always, thanks for all your support, and if you get the chance leave an honest review on Amazon or Goodreads.

Keep reading the scary stuff. May the fourth be with you and Happy Cinco de Mayo!


Still Kicking … Still Writing

Hey there!

It’s been quite some time since I’ve posted, and I just wanted to let you all know that I’m still kicking, and yes, still writing. The second entry in the Invasive Species trilogy has been written. I’m working on getting the book cover done and hope to have it published within a month or two. I’ll let you know when it becomes available. I’ve also written the first draft of the third installment and will be revising that shortly.

In other news, SKINNERS (my most popular book) is now in paperback. You can get that here.

Hope life is treating you well. Keep reading those scary books.



Paperback News!

Hey, Horrorhounds!

It’s been a minute since I’ve checked in with y’all, I hope your year has been a great one so far.

For me it’s been pretty busy, but I’ve managed to do some writing here and there, and I finally turned my debut novel into a paperback. I’m pleased with the end result, I hope you will be too. As always I would like to hear your honest assessment of my work, so if you get the chance, please leave a review on Amazon or Goodreads. Reviews are the lifeblood for us indie authors, without them we dry up and wither away into dust (dramatic I know, but true), so if you’ve had the chance to read any of my works I’d appreciate your honest opinion.

Thanks for sticking around, it means the world to me. The second book in the Invasive Species trilogy is in the final editing stage so expect to see that one soon.

Again, thanks for your time

Keep on reading,


Debut Novel!!

Greetings once again, horror fans!

As promised, my debut novel, Song of a Lost Child, is finally available.

[UPDATE] The book is now FREE for Kindle Unlimited subscribers! You can click here to go to Amazon.

I’ll let you know when the paperback version becomes available.

Thanks for joining me on this adventure. I hope you enjoy it!  And don’t forget to leave a review.

As always, Keep on reading.


Happy Horrordays!

Hello once again, horror fans.

Just wanted to let you know that I’m putting the final editorial adjustments to my debut novel, Song of a Lost Child. I want it to be as good as I can possibly make it without bringing a professional editor on board(still not in the budget), but I promise it will be coming soon. I’m shooting for a January release, but I still need to get a cover done as well, so I’ll keep you posted.

Oh well, enough about me. I Just wanted to check in, say hello, and give you a couple of scary book recommendations for the holiday season.

NOS4A2 by Joe Hill

Snow by Ronald Malfi

I enjoyed both of these books immensely. They are chock full of holiday fear. Enjoy!

As always, keep on reading!


SKINNERS launch!

Hello again, horror fans!

As promised, SKINNERS is launching soon. Today, in fact!

Kindle Unlimited subscribers can download it for free. For everyone else, the ebook can be purchased for $2.99. Thanks so much for your support, I hope you enjoy reading the book as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Below is a short blurb to see if it tickles your fancy. If it does, just click on the book cover to go to the Amazon page.

Thanks again,


For amateur thief, Steve Finney, the convenience store in the small town of Kibner, Georgia promises to be another simple holdup job. And on the night of the stickup, things seem to be moving along just as planned.

Until a blood-soaked woman shambles into the store, interrupting the robbery.

With his getaway driver and only friend in the world, Lisa, waiting outside, Steve’s first concern is to flee the scene before the police and paramedics arrive. But when the nightmarish creatures responsible for the woman’s condition also make an appearance – trapping Steve in the store with a handful of strangers – the authorities are the least of his worries.

Cut off from his friend, Steve must fight his way through a legion of deadly flesh-eating horrors; monsters that some survivors insist have come from the stars.

Now, Steve’s only concern is escaping Kibner …

With his skin intact.

From the author of The Prison Farm, comes this thrilling tribute to such films as: Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Night of the Creeps, and The Thing.

SKINNERS is a 23,000 word novella of alien horror.

Just checking in!

Hello, Everybody

Just wanted to say a genuine heartfelt thanks for downloading my first book, The Prison Farm. It’s done better than I expected. I even had a sale in Australia. Woohoo!!

I’m putting the finishing touches on my next release, a sci-fi horror novella entitled, SKINNERS. I know, scary, right? I’ll be releasing it through Amazon’s Kindle Unlimited program, so all subscribers to that program can download it for free. For others, the ebook will be offered at the low price of $2.99 as a Kindle only read. If you don’t have a Kindle then no worries, you can download the Kindle app for free on any device.

And now for the shameless groveling: If you’ve had a chance to read The Prison Farm, then please consider leaving a review on Amazon. You can go to my author page by clicking here. The more reviews I have, the more they’ll promote the book, which will in turn help the launch of my next release.

Thanks again for your time, and for checking out my book. I can’t do this without you. I’ll be checking in again soon with an exact date for the launch of SKINNERS, along with a tantalizing description of the story. Until then, Happy Reading!


First release!

As some of you already know, I released my first story, THE PRISON FARM, on Friday. All new subscribers to my mailing list should have been sent a free copy. If you didn’t receive an email with a link to the book, then contact me here and I’ll fix the issue. Thanks for joining me on this journey, I hope you enjoy the book.

And thanks to those that purchased the story. You’re awesome. If you get a moment, write a short review for the book (it can be two words if you want e.g. “It sucks!” or “It rocks!). Reviews help my rankings and get my name and book noticed by the Amazon machine.

Thanks again,


Cover Reveal!

Hello! It’s been a minute since I posted something so I just wanted to touch base and let you all know that I’m still alive, and still working hard toward publishing my first two stories.

If you haven’t seen the cover for THE PRISON FARM, then just click here to check it out. For the new cover to my novella, SKINNERS, click here.

Also, if you’re interested in being a beta reader for these titles contact me here. Include your file preference (Kindle, Nook, Kobo, etc.) and which story you’d like to read. Beta readers are crucial for catching missed words, continuity,  and anachronistic issues with the story, as well as just recognizing plain old bad writing.

Thanks so much.

Keep on reading!
